The California Green Building Standard Codes (CALGreen) set recycling requirements for construction and demolition (C&D) projects. CALGreen requires the recycling and/or salvaging for reuse a minimum of 65% of the non-hazardous construction and demolition project waste. Applicants must comply with the CALGreen provisions and the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code Chapter 7.19 (Construction and Demolition Requirements) whichever is more stringent.

When is compliance with CALGreen Required?
What projects are exempt?
How does an applicant comply?
What are the requirements of Option 1?
What are the requirements of Option 2?

User Guides

Waste Disposal Plan:
Construction and Demolition (C&D) Form

Information Sheet:
Construction and Demolition Waste Disposal Information Sheet

List of Approved Recycling Facilities:
List of Facilities

Green Halo Instructions:
Module I - Create Green Halo Account
Module II - Submit Your Waste Management Plan
Module III - Submit Project for Final Approval

Green Halo Link:
Green Halo

CR&R Construction and Demolition Recycling Services:
(949) 662-3819

If you need assistance or have questions, please email the Solid Waste Division at or call (949) 464-6677.